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ISA-D Student Questionnaire

Welcome to your PISA-D Student Questionnaire

What grade are you in?

On what date were you born?

(Please write in the day, month and year you were born.)

Are you female or male?

What language do you speak at home most of the time?
(Please tick only one box.)

In what country were you and your parents born?

(Please tick only one box in each column.)

Overall, how satisfied are you with your life as a whole these days?

0 = Not at all satisfied
10 = Completely

The next five statements are about your health.

(Choose all that applies.)


In general, would you say your health is:

0-3 = Poor
4-6 = Fair
7-8 = Very Good
9-10 = Excellent

During the past year, have you had any of the following health problems?

(Choose all that applies.)

Did you attend primary school?

When did you begin learning English Language?

Which language did you first learn to read?

Have you ever missed school for more than three months in a row?
(Please tick only one box.)

Why did you miss school for more than three months in a row?

(Choose all that applies.)

During the past four weeks, did any of the following events occur?

(Choose all that applies.)

Sexual harassment is any unwanted or inappropriate language or touching of a sexual nature that makes you feel upset, hurt or angry. It can be verbal, such as comments about your body, sexual remarks, or the spreading of rumours about a person. It can be physical, such as touching, rubbing, pinching or hugging in a sexual way. It can be a request for a sexual favour in return for something else. It can happen to both boys and girls.

(Choose all that applies.)

How long does it usually take you to get from your home to school?

In the last two weeks at school, did any of these happen?

(Choose all that applies.)

Think of the work you did in the past week

(Choose all that applies.)

Who do you live with at home?

(Choose all that applies.)

Which of the following are in your home?

(Choose all that applies.)

How many books are there in your home?

Do not include magazines, newspapers, or your schoolbooks. (Please tick only one box.)

Do you share a toilet facility with others who are not members of your family?

What is the floor of your home mostly made of?
(Please tick only one box.)

Do you have a flush toilet at your house?

Does any member of your household have a bank account?

In the past 30 days, how often were you hungry because there was not enough food?

(Please tick only one box.)

What is the highest level of schooling completed by your mother?

If you are not sure which box to choose, please ask the test

Administrator  for help.

(Please tick only one box.)

Can your mother read and write?

Does your mother have any of the following qualifications? If you are not sure how to answer this question, please ask the for help.


What kind of job does your mother have?

(Please tick only one box.)

The following two questions concern your mother’s job.

(If she is not working now, please tell us her last main job.)

What is your mother’s main job?

(e.g., school teacher, kitchen-hand, sales manager)

Please write the job title._____________________________

What does your mother do in her main job?

(e.g., teaches high school students, helps the cook prepare meals in a restaurant, manages a sales team)

Please use a sentence to describe the kind of work she does or did in that job.

What is the highest level of schooling completed by your father?

If you are not sure which box to choose, please ask the test

Can your father read and write?

Does your father have any of the following qualifications? If you are not sure how to answer this question, please ask the <test administrator> for help.


What kind of job does your father have?

(Please tick only one box.)

The following two questions concern your father’s job.

(If he is not working now, please tell us his last main job.)

What is your father’s main job?

(e.g., school teacher, kitchen-hand, sales manager)

Please write the job title._____________________________

What does your father do in his main job?


(e.g., teaches high school students, helps the cook prepare meals in a restaurant, manages a sales team)


Please use a sentence to describe the kind of work he does or

did in that job.

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